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  74. <p align="center"><a href=""><img align="bottom" alt="BP6 101 - Class is now in session. Welcome newbies!" border="0" height="45" src="doc3_files/bp6101.gif" width="70"></a><font face="Verdana" size="1"><br></font><a href=""><font color="white" face="Verdana" size="1">BP6 101</font></a>
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  78. <p align="center"><a href=""><img align="bottom" alt="Install guide for installing Windows 2000 on the BP6 " border="0" height="45" src="doc3_files/win2kht.gif" width="70"></a><font face="Verdana" size="1"><br></font><a href=""><font color="white" face="Verdana" size="1">Win2k Install</font></a>
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  116. <br><a name="news_top"></a><font color="#003366" face="verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Headlines</b></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",78924,">Chat
  117. with ABIT - 8:09PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",26344,">Fixed
  118. wallpaper - 11:47PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",25865,">Seti
  119. update - 10:40PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",45502,">Judge
  120. gives Napster the Boot!! - 2:10PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",83675,">Ram
  121. Sinks.. more cooling for small places. - 8:54AM
  122. PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",7831,">is
  123. it [H]ard? - 9:19PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",60218,">WiLd
  124. CaSe!! - 1:40PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",84122,">What
  125. the heck is a Peltier?!?! - 10:05AM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",74573,">HELLO
  126. EVERYONE!!! - 10:03PM PDT</a></font><br><font face="arial" size="1"><a class="nav" href=",13375,">BP6
  127. Q3 server up and running.. - 2:06AM PDT</a></font><br><br><!-- NP v3.7.5 --><a name="newsitem965012956,78924,"></a>
  128. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Sunday,
  129. July 30, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  130. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Chat with
  131. ABIT</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 8:09PM
  132. PDT</small>  <a href=",78924,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  133.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">I&#8217;m slacking a little. All game no
  134. work makes Holodeck2 a happy boy :-)<br><br>Wallpaper update: I got
  135. off my lazy ass and redid the 1280x1024 wall paper, now it has the 2
  136. celerons.<br><br><b><a href="" target="3d">Fullon3d had a live chat with that Eric guy from Abit.
  137. </a></b>Submitted by: MJS<br><br>Here&#8217;s a little clip:<br>[Falcon]
  138. BP6-2??<br>[EricBoeing] We already have a micro ATX dual flip-chip
  139. board<br>[EricBoeing] but it's OEM only<br>[EricBoeing] the full ATX
  140. version should be out Septemberish<br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964766837,26344,"></a>
  141. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Thursday,
  142. July 27, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  143. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Fixed
  144. wallpaper</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 11:47PM
  145. PDT</small>  <a href=",26344,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">5 comments</a>
  146.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2"><b>Get them now!!</b><br>This is a
  147. fixed bp6 wallpaper. In all the popular flavors, err...
  148. resolutions.<br><img height="180" src="doc3_files/3-800.jpg" width="240"><br>It's still the Intels Inside one with a spelling
  149. change; from "Mothboard" to "Motherboard"<br><br>Thanks to Matt for
  150. pointing that out to me.<br>I would also like to thank Kevin for
  151. hosting my last batch and Radu for the previous "DUEL"/"DUAL"
  152. error.<br>And 1 more person, THANK YOU TIM for letting me borrow
  153. your server space ;-)<br><br>If you need a weird resolution, feel
  154. free to <a href="">e-mail</a> me requesting
  155. for one.<br>If you have ideas or more errors to point out, <a href=""></a><br><br><a href="doc3_files/3-800.jpg" target="800">800x600 </a><br><a href="" target="800">1024x768 </a><br><a href="" target="800">1152x864 </a><br><a href="" target="800">1280x1024 </a><br><a href="" target="800">1600x1200 </a><br><p>Enjoy :-)<br></p>
  156. <p><a href="">Holodeck2,</a><br>[H]ard at
  157. work on the Brand Spanking New Wallpaper.<br></p></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964762841,25865,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Seti update</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 10:40PM
  158. PDT</small>  <a href=",25865,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">5 comments</a>
  159.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2"><img height="54" src="doc3_files/setiupdate.jpg" width="400"><br>You like the
  160. pic?<br><br>Bp6 User Group Update:<br>Completed 61531
  161. units!!<br><b>#168 on Top 200 All Groups</b> (Going to pass CLRC in
  162. a few days)<br><b>#74 on Top 200 Teams</b> (Gaining fast on
  163. Starfleet)<br><br>We are flying though at the speed of light (may be
  164. a little slower).<br>Good job everyone!!<br><br>Check this page at
  165. least once a day for new stuff :-)<br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964732235,45502,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Judge gives Napster the
  166. Boot!!</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 2:10PM
  167. PDT</small>  <a href=",45502,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  168.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Good afternoon for everyone living in
  169. EST. I was going to post today morning but I didn't. Here's my
  170. story:<br>I woke up and thought about posting something but I
  171. decided to wax my car before the sun came up (draw your own
  172. conclusions), wax on, wax off, wax on,..., did that for about an
  173. hour. Then I saw the sun rise (Aaahh I'm melting... not). I sat in
  174. front of my comp and started to search for good news to post. Saw
  175. that a stoopid judge temporally shuts down napster. Goes to room and
  176. cry. and now I'm here :-)<br><br><a href="" target="Judge vs Napster">Judge shuts Napster down
  177. <p><img height="143" src="doc3_files/669915.jpg" width="200"></p></a><br>Check out the Goofy guy in the suit<br>He's Sean
  178. Fanning, founder of Napster.<br><br>Got news?? <a href=""></a><br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964713289,83675,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Ram Sinks.. more cooling for small
  179. places.</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">tim</a> @ 8:54AM PDT</small>  <a href=",83675,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  180.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Need some cooling for your Videocard
  181. memory to get a little extra overclockability and FPS? <a href="" target="_BLANK">Overclockers Hiedout Ram Sinks</a> They just notified
  182. me of their new design.<br><img border="1" src="doc3_files/ramsink.jpg"></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964671589,7831,"></a>
  183. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Wednesday, July 26,
  184. 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  185. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">is it
  186. [H]ard?</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 9:19PM
  187. PDT</small>  <a href=",7831,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  188.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Big heatsinks are good, very good. The
  189. bigger the better.<br>You can never can have a too big of heatsink
  190. on a small chip (CPU, GPU, CHIPSET, etc)<br><br><img height="173" src="doc3_files/voodooside2.jpg" width="230"><br>My overclocked
  191. Voodoo3 2000 with a BIG mofo heatsink on top.<br>Peltier and
  192. watercooling next up :-)<br>(if you pry off the heatsink you void
  193. the warranty )<br><br>it was originally posted on <a href="">[H]ardOCP </a><br>I&#8217;m not only a
  194. BP6er but also a [H]ardOCPer<br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964644047,60218,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">WiLd CaSe!!</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 1:40PM
  195. PDT</small>  <a href=",60218,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">8 comments</a>
  196.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Now this person really knows how to
  197. keep his case cool!!<br>Addin an 18" Fan!! WOW!!<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="doc3_files/TN_OpenedUp1.jpg"></a><br>Click to go to his
  198. site.<br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964631110,84122,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">What the heck is a
  199. Peltier?!?!</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 10:05AM
  200. PDT</small>  <a href=",84122,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">6 comments</a>
  201.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">This is for all you people who wanted
  202. to know what a peltier is.<br><br>The quest fo the Perfect
  203. Peltier<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="doc3_files/peltier.jpg"></a> <br>Thanks to
  204. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  205. <br><br>Note: Today morning when I woke up I saw my whole screen
  206. cluttered with a bunch of IMs!! I live in the USA on EST. If you
  207. live somewhere else please check the time in my area. for example:
  208. If you live in Europe and IM me in the morning your time I would be
  209. sleeping it would be like 4 in the morning here. Just to let you
  210. know <img src="doc3_files/smile.gif"><br>I'm not angry at anyone...
  211. good thing I have a long fuse <img src="doc3_files/tongue.gif"><br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964587833,74573,"></a>
  212. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Tuesday,
  213. July 25, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  214. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">HELLO
  215. EVERYONE!!!</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">Holodeck2</a> @ 10:03PM
  216. PDT</small>  <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Hello
  217. everyone, Woohoo!! I'm on!!<br>Who is this Holodeck2 person
  218. anyways?!?! Read on :-)<br>I&#8217;m a regular on the bp6 messageboard,
  219. trying to help people out with their problems.<br>I&#8217;m the
  220. self-proclaimed bp6 cooling expert, If you have a cooling idea, I&#8217;ve
  221. probably already done it and can offer some incite.<br>My computer
  222. is always on so you can contact me whenever... problem is, I'm not
  223. always in front of it. I'll try to update this page and keep
  224. everyone happy :-)<br>Any Questions or comments, you can either
  225. contact me or post it on the messageboard.<br><br>Ways to contact
  226. me.<br>E-mail: <a href=""></a> (All E-mails
  227. will be answered in 24 hours or less, I guarantee it.)<br>When you
  228. write me an e-mail please put in the subject line "BP6" then the
  229. rest of your subject so my e-mail program can sort it, thanks<br><a href="">AIM: </a>Holodeck2 (instant response
  230. if I&#8217;m in front of my comp and not trying to frag someone)<br><a href="">ICQ: </a>82640218 (rarely
  231. on)<br><br>P.S. If someone named &#8220;Digital Vortex&#8221; on either Quake 3
  232. or 2 frags you, it&#8217;s probably me. ;-)<br></font><br><br><a name="newsitem964429577,13375,"></a>
  233. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Monday,
  234. July 24, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  235. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">BP6 Q3 server up and
  236. running..</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">tim</a> @ 2:06AM PDT</small>  <a href=",13375,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">3 comments</a>
  237.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Setup a Q3 server for anyone wanting
  238. to practice in preparation for Quakecon.. Connect to
  239. default port. (SERVER: BP6 system, 256 MB ram, celeron 600 on a T3
  240. connection)... Will be moved to another BP6 server eventually. This
  241. is only a temporary test of the system and net connection. <br>(BTW-
  242. there are a few bot's running around in there..)</font><br><br><a name="newsitem964425184,95812,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">BIOS Savior to the
  243. rescue....</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">tim</a> @ 12:53AM PDT</small>  <a href=",95812,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">2 comments</a>
  244.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Do you sweat during the BIOS flashing
  245. procedure on your BP6 mobo? If so then this little gadget maybe
  246. worth a first look. It's called the "<b>RD1 BIOS Savior</b>" and it
  247. plugs in between your BIOS ROM and the BIOS ROM socket on your mobo.
  248. This device will backup your BIOS and and allow you to recover your
  249. BIOS in the event that your flashing session goes wrong. In the
  250. event of a bad flash, just flip a switch on the RDI and boot up your
  251. system, and flash again. This is also good as a failsafe in case you
  252. don't believe in Virus Protecting your computer. (Thanks to Fred for
  253. link)<br><a href="" target="_NEW">Manufacturers Brochure</a> (PDF Format)<br><a href="" target='_BLANK"'>Another info page</a><br><a href=";CID=&amp;updepts=MB&amp;DNAME=%3Cb%3EMotherboards%3C%2Fb%3E&amp;Back=ProdMB-AC-MW.hmx?" target="_BLANK">Available for about $20</a><br><br><img src="doc3_files/rd1.jpg"></font><br><br><a name="newsitem963875853,12731,"></a>
  254. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Monday,
  255. July 17, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  256. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">How To
  257. Overclock</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 4:17PM
  258. PDT</small>  <a href=",12731,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">3 comments</a>
  259.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">For those of you who are new to
  260. overclocking, this guide will explain to you how to overclock, and
  261. what some of the terms are. Like 'FSB' (what the heck is that!?
  262. :0))<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">How To Overclock</a> </font><br><br><a name="newsitem963875485,23353,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The Cardcooler
  263. XT</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 4:11PM
  264. PDT</small>  <a href=",23353,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">1 comments</a>
  265.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Wow! I am impressed! Nevermind keeping
  266. the CPU's cool... Keep your whole board cool!<br><br><i>Even if your
  267. not overclocking your system (or planning on it), this unit will
  268. provide system stability and longevity. What would happen one day of
  269. your GeForce or CPU fan went dead? You can also think of this
  270. cooling unit as a backup to essential cooling fans in your
  271. system.</i><br><br>Check this out!<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  272. </font><br><br><a name="newsitem963859982,88982,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">'Nerd
  273. Inside'</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 11:53AM
  274. PDT</small>  <a href=",88982,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">1 comments</a>
  275.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">We all need to have some fun
  276. sometimes! Check out this little web site that sells 'nerd' clothing
  277. ;) (I like the bibs in the Junior Hackerz section) :-Þ<br><br><div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/nerdinside.gif"></a></div></font><br><br><a name="newsitem963819796,9688,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Dual PSU Wiring diagram... (preview to
  278. Part 1 Watercooling Project)</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">tim</a> @ 12:43AM PDT</small>  <a href=",9688,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">11 comments</a>
  279.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">When is comes to overclocking your
  280. system, cooling plays a big role. Powering all of those fans in your
  281. system can cause quite a strain on your PSU (Power Supply Unit).
  282. Depending on the number of peripherals in your system, adding a more
  283. powerfull PSU or adding a second PSU may be neccesary. For
  284. watercooling and using peltiers, dedicating a second PSU to power
  285. the Peltiers (TEC's) is a good idea. Here I have come up with 2
  286. diagrams on how I wired dual 300 watt ATX power supply units for the
  287. Blizzard BP6 watercooling project. Consider this part of Step 1.
  288. More will follow this week. BTW.. hacking up your PSU's is very
  289. dangerous and is not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
  290. <br><br>View Diagram 1 <a href="" target="_BLANK">here</a>.<br>View Diagram 2 <a href="" target="_BLANK">here</a>.<br><br>I used Tap-In Squeeze Connectors and
  291. 22 guage wire to connect the wires. You can get them at Radio Shack
  292. Part# 64-3053 or <a href=",2098,,00.html?SKUString1=64&amp;SKUString2=3053" target="_blank">click here</a>.</font><br><br><a name="newsitem963766655,78511,"></a>
  293. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Sunday,
  294. July 16, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  295. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">RAM Overclocking?
  296. Hmmmmm.</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 9:57AM
  297. PDT</small>  <a href=",78511,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">3 comments</a>
  298.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">I know we're pretty big overclockers
  299. here at BP6.Com so, this is a post of choice ;-) I've seen the
  300. question in the message boards, 'why can't I overclock any higher?'
  301. Well, it's not always the CPU that's holding you back... Many other
  302. things need to be taken care of to overclock such as your PCI
  303. devices (can they handle the higher bus speed), the actual CPU, and
  304. your RAM. I'm not saying that that a high quality stick of silicon
  305. will enable you to overclock your 366MHz to 1 GHZ (I wish!), but, it
  306. will certainly help =)<br><br>Extreme Overclocking has tested
  307. (overclocked) PC133 RAM to there full potential. Here's a quote I
  308. found and the link:<br><br><i>Well, the guys at Extreme Overclocking
  309. have been hard at work again with their latest review. This time
  310. they have put seven 128MB PC133 memory modules through the torture
  311. tests to determine their maximum overclocking potential. Which one's
  312. came out on top? Read the review to find out....</i><br><br><a href="" target="_blank">Cooked RAM... Yummie</a><br><br>The
  313. ÐÐ.</font><br><br><a name="newsitem963764236,76720,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">CPU
  314. Guide</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 9:17AM
  315. PDT</small>  <a href=",76720,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  316.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">A follow up on the 'Weekly CPU
  317. Prices', this guide will help you determine which cpu is best for
  318. you (and your board ;-)). Sent to me by Spanky, here's the
  319. link:<br><br><li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li></font><br><br><a name="newsitem963685749,28290,"></a>
  320. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Saturday,
  321. July 15, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  322. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Weekly CPU
  323. Prices</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 11:29AM
  324. PDT</small>  <a href=",28290,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">2 comments</a>
  325.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Wow, found this very useful! Wanting
  326. to buy a new CPU? Check out this detailed price list!<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">Click Here.</a> <br><br>Thanks Sharky
  327. Extreme!</font><br><br><a name="newsitem963679881,35277,"></a><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Fast Wallpapers</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 9:51AM
  328. PDT</small>  <a href=",35277,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">0 comments</a>
  329.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">FAST-MHz has released some wallpapers!
  330. <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to view them. They come in sizes
  331. 800x600 1024x768 and 1152x864. If you have your desktop set at a
  332. larger size, just use the 'stretch' function in desktop properties
  333. instead of 'center'. Works great.<br><br>In other news, we want to
  334. finnish off all the sections at BP6.Com so, to start, we're going to
  335. work on the <a href="" target="_blank">Picture Gallery</a>. To help us out, you can send in
  336. all your cool, wierd, crazy pics that you may have to: <a href=""></a>. (The
  337. topic being computers, duh! :0) And no... I don't want to recieve
  338. any porno piccies in my mailbox! I have enough of those!) Kidding
  339. guys.<br><br>Okay, that's all for now.<br><br>The
  340. ÐÐ.</font><br><br><a name="newsitem963619505,3764,"></a>
  341. <table bgcolor="#003399" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana,arial" size="2"><b>Friday,
  342. July 14, 2000</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
  343. <br><!--<hr noshade width=100%>--><b><u><font color="#003366" face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Hey
  344. There!</font></u></b><br><font color="#0066cc" face="Arial" size="1"><small>Posted by <a class="nav" href="">DareDevil</a> @ 5:05PM
  345. PDT</small>  <a href=",3764,.html"><img border="0" src="doc3_files/comments.gif">7 comments</a>
  346.  | <a href="">top</a></font> <br><font color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Hey guys, just wanted to introduce
  347. myself, some of you may have already met me on the board.
  348. I'll be posting up news from time to time now so, if you'd like, you
  349. may send me some news to be posted if you find any ( we don't want
  350. to flood Tim ;-) ).<br><br>My e-mail address is <a href=""></a><br><br>Ciao for
  351. now.<br><br>The ÐÐ.</font><br><br></font><center><iframe frameborder="0" height="60" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" noresize scrolling="no" src="doc3_files/ad_iframe.htm" width="468"><a href="" target="_top"><img width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="Advertisement" src=";sid=1881&amp;asid=7708"></a></iframe></center>
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